Wait a minute, shelves MAKE space. Oh well, I like the title better the way it is.
So here we go.
With nearly no built in storage room in small spaces, putting your things up nicely is challenging to say the least.
So, how do I do it? I can hear you asking this, it's okay...I'll answer.
As you probably guessed, the answer is SHELVES!
Cheap Shelves! But cheap shelves that are also very pretty. You see, a local store sells kitchen counter top remnants in measured lengths of shelving. Menards to be specific, but I'm sure other companies do this as well.
So all those beautiful countertop patterns, are dirt cheap shelves.
Corner shelves are 1.50, 4 length shelving is 1.50 and little knick knack shelves are .99 cents.
So, what I have I done with them?
Let's see!
It's a coat rack! A beautiful marble patterned coat rack. So this -ahem- lovely wood paneling cracks very easily and is flimsy as all get out.
So, we (anything involving carpentry is my husband's work, but I come up with the ideas...so it's we) just drilled this nicely cut piece into the studs and attached coat hangers. No damage to the paneling from the coat hooks and it looks lovely.
Total Material, 1.50 for the shelf and 2.00 for each hook.
For a grand total of.....9.50!
DVD Racks!
Now, some of the shelves that are sold have this great curved edge, some have a flat edge. I much prefer the curved edge.
As you can see it makes a great DVD shelf, and the floor space is clear for an end table. These shelves were cut slightly short and the cut off ends were then drilled into the end of the shelf to keep the DVD's standing up straight. The wall holds up the other end. Flip the shelves upside down, and you have a great way to keep items on top. We have a smaller shelf behind the TV for the video games. Works just like this one, fabulous.
Total Materials,
Shelves, 1.50 each. Brackets 2.00 each for 100lbs supports.
Grand total, 16.50 for a DVD Rack.
Corner Shelf in the kitchen.
I have a tiny kitchen, really...it's small.
And a lot of the counter space is taken up in this very awkward corner. So, we solved the problem by putting up a shelf and making more useful space. Which, I promptly filled with owls. My husband is a saint. Really. But if you look carefully, there is a cheese shredder and some meat thermometers, so it's still useful space! Plus, it all matches my wallpaper!
Total Materials,
One corner shelf at 1.50, two brackets for 1.00 each.
Grand Total, 3.50.
So While we're on about corner shelves, okay...I'm the only one that's on about them...but anyways..
These are incredibly useful for getting speakers up and out of the way for cheap surround sound. This is one of the inverted shelves that keeps the speaker in place better. This speaker sits up above the DVD rack, and it matches. Bonus.
Grand Total, 3.50.
Microwave Shelf.
So, as I mentioned, my kitchen is very small. Which means very limited counter space.
So, the solution to having limited counter space and a microwave is putting this shelf up on an empty wall. You'll notice the baskets on the top, which give additional and attractive storage.
Sitting right above it, are my tea pots. They stretch the length of the windows, and add a nice homey touch to the kitchen. Without the shelves, they would be packed away in boxes. And what good are they then?
Grand Total for all the shelves, 16.00
So, the shelves are so attractive that we (meaning me, seriously my husband cringes when I say "Honey, I have an idea") decided to make a table. My husband is a wonderful sport and a great carpenter.
So, now we have an end table that matches the DVD rack and the corner shelf. It's a two tiered table, with storage bins on the second shelf that contain my yarn for crafting and some of my photography supplies. So not only so we have a functional and attractive table, we also have more storage space.
Total Materials, 2 four foot shelves, 2 1X2 inch boards, flat & corner brackets for joining shelves.
Total Cost, 26.00
Shoe rack/bookshelf
I have a lot of shoes. More than I should have, according to people who aren't me. I say, BUY ALL THE SHOES! The Crocs are for gardening, don't judge! They are comfy! Anyways...
The shoes need to go somewhere, somewhere off the floor. And under the bed is full. *coughs*
So, voila!
Granted, prefab bookshelves can be purchased for about the same price. However, they are not built to space specifications and the "wood" starts to peel off pretty quickly. I've found that the prefab bookshelves tend to be wider and deeper, making the protrude more into what little space remains.
I much prefer hand made.
Total Cost, 20.00
So, after all this I hope some of you have some ideas for making more useable space in your homes, no matter the size of your home.
Dollar Store Find!
So, my kids love squirt guns. Thing is, I freaking hate them. They break like mad, they are hard for little kids to fill and they hardly squirt anything before you have to refill them again. Then you lose the cap for the water reservoir, and the water doesn't stay in. Pain in the behind to keep water in them, and so on.
So, browsing at the dollar store one day, I find these.
These things are great!
They are like big syringes that shoot an impressive amount of water. Even the smallest kids can fill these on their own from a big bucket of water. All they do is pull back on the handle, and water is there. Shoot and repeat. Plus, for parents who don't like gun imagery, these things are perfect.
Best part, they are only a dollar and have lasted us nearly all summer. And if ones does break, big whoop. It's a buck!
I found these at Dollar Tree.
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